Hair Transplants - Follicular Unit Transplantation
Follicular Hair Transplantation (FUT) is one of two principal methods of conducting a Hair Transplant. The FUT method is also commonly referred to as Strip surgery. So how does this technique work?
To start with the surgeon will identify a strip from the back of the scalp that contains roughly the number of grafts that they require for the particular surgery. The hair is harvested from this area because these hairs don't have androgen receptors. These androgen receptors are what determine each individuals hair loss pattern. DHT in the bloodstream interact with these receptors to cause Androgenetic Alopecia.
The strip of donor skin is removed from the back of the scalp and then carefully divided by technicians into the individual grafts. While this is happening, the surgeon will stitch the donor area. The surgeon will attempt to do so in a way that the existing hair will cover the linear scar that is created.
Once the "strip"have been divided into their individual grafts, the surgeon will create incisions on the recipient area for the grafts to be placed into. There is a degree of artistry involved from the surgeon to create the pattern of these incisions to create a natural look to the hair growth. Your hair grows in a random pattern, however inexperienced doctors often make their incisions in rows that will ultimately look unnatural.
In the long term FUT is generally a better bet to maximise the amount of grafts that can be harvested. As the "strip" is completely removed and then the area stitched together, there is no loss of density from the donor area. Other techniques can leave you with a lower density from this area.
When having your first surgery and multiple surgeries may be needed, FUT tends to be the best option. Maximising the use of your donor area without leaving the area too thin is the key to creating the natural look that you are after.