Celebrating 20 years of HairMax

2020 hasn't been a year with much celebration so far, but here at Farjo-Saks the celebrations for HairMax's 20th anniversary are well underway. HairMax have been the world's leaders in home use low level laser devices since 2000.

HairMax Range

20 years ago HairMax was born with the development of the original Lasercomb, and while the look of the device may have changed drastically to the present day, not much in terms of the treatment has changed. HairMax devices have always used medical grade lasers and operated at 655nM in wavelength. This is the wavelength that HairMax first received FDA clearance for in 2007 and have used ever since. 

HairMax devices have been used in 7 clinical trials to date, with the results of these clinical trials featuring in 6 peer reviewed articles in medical journals. This easily makes HairMax the most researched brand in the Low Level Laser market for Hair Loss. Boasting a 92% success rate with an average increase in the hair count of 129 hairs per square inch.

Another HairMax landmark is looming on the horizon too! The brand is closing in on 2 million devices sold worldwide, a huge testament to the success of the HairMax treatment. 


HairMax truly are the leaders in Low Level Lasers for Hair Loss. see what all the fuss is about here.

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